Visbiome Blog

  • Gluten Free! What does it mean?

    There has been a lot of attention in the last couple of years over the concept of gluten-free. It is hard to differentiate between fads and necessary health practices around certain nutritional advice.

    The gluten-free diet has been promoted for various health goals. Some supporters of the diet believe that gluten triggers inflammation in the body and can contribute to certain health conditions. 

    While many people can tolerate gluten and have no problems consuming it, some people should consider avoiding it.

  • Constipation relief: It is possible!

    Constipation is a common medical condition, with a prevalence around the world of around 15% of people suffering from it. It is one of the most frequent gastrointestinal diagnoses in ambulatory care settings, and while usually managed by primary care doctors, constipation is a commonly referred condition to gastroenterologists.
  • What is the role of strain specificity in choosing a probiotic?

    By Melody Khorrami, PharmD, RPh, INHC As consumer use of probiotics increases, the need for education around choosing the right probiotic combinati...
  • Stress management for IBS patients

    Stress management is an important area that is discussed during GI visits for patients who are dealing with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The relationship between psychological health and gut symptoms can be best managed by developing a holistic treatment. Read more about how stress management is important for IBS patients and some tips you can use to manage your stress levels
  • Can emotions affect gut health?

    Experiencing stress and negative emotions are a part of the human experience, but if they are not processed in a healthy manner they can lead to manifestations of physical health problems. The gut-brain connection is revolutionizing our understanding of what the trillions of bacteria, are doing in the gut.
  • What is the role of the gut microbiome in personalized medicine? 

    Our understanding of best practices for health and wellness is constantly evolving due to emerging research. As science continues to advance concerning chronic health management, it has become clear that a more bio-individual approach to health management is needed and wanted by most people.
  • This New Year: Start with Your Gut!

    By Melody Khorrami, PharmD, RPh As we enter a new year, it is always helpful to take a moment to reflect on the past year. Journaling about your pe...
  • Thanksgiving Tips to Aid Digestion

    4 Steps to Aid Digestion During Thanksgiving! By Melody Khorrami, PharmD, RPh As the holidays approach, many of us look forward to gathering with f...
  • Lactose in the IBS diet

    Lactose intolerance is a common condition that can lead to unpleasant gut symptoms, especially for people who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. Even if you’re IBS free, lactose may be something you try to avoid or limit if you experience gut issues. However, you may not need to avoid lactose completely on your IBS diet

  • Don't let stress disrupt your gut

    Don't let stress disrupt your gut Due to the pandemic, we have all been adjusting to a new normal every few months for the past couple of years. A...
  • How probiotics support your microbiome

     By Joanna Foley, Chances are you've heard about the microbiome at this point. But you may have questions about what exactly it is or why it’s so i...
  • Living with IBS: What can you do about it?

    Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) refers to a collection of digestive symptoms and is the most common functional gut disorder. It is estimated to affect about 10-15% of the population and is more common in women than in men.